Social work interventions aim to help support and promote your health and well-being and listen to you about how you think this can be achieved.  You have a number of rights that anyone working with you needs to take into account.

You have a right to:

  • Assessment – Under the care act, you have a right to request an assessment of need. This can help you make decisions about what support might be available to you, and how this may be arranged.
  • Advocacy – You have a right to be supported in your decision-making around your care and treatment arrangements. If you do not have anyone to help you, you have a right to access an advocate.  Focus have a duty to arrange this for you.
  • Complain – If you are not happy with the services that you receive, you have a right to complain. More information can be found about how to do this on our Raise a concern (PALs)
  • Challenge decisions – If you do not agree with a decision that has been made about you, you have a right to appeal. You can do this by talking to the worker that has made the decision, however, if you do not feel able to do this, or you are not satisfied with their response, you can contact their manager or make a formal complaint by following the guidance on our Raise a concern (PALs)
  • Refuse – You have the right to refuse any care or treatment that is offered to you and have this decision respected.
  • Your Human Rights – You have a number of Human Rights that must be upheld by any person working with you. More information about your human rights can be found online i.e., Age UK or British Institute of Human Rights.
  • Professionals acting in your best interest if you cannot make decisions for yourself – If you are unable make decisions for yourself that relate to your health and welfare others MUST act in your best interest. If you have a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare [LPA(H&W)] professionals are required to consult with them so that they can make decisions on your behalf.  If you do not have an LPA(H&W), any professionals involved with your care and treatment must be able to demonstrate that they are acting in your best interest, by law, and for some decisions, they may need to approach the courts for assistance.
  • Protection from harm and abuse – If you have care and support needs, and you are at risk of, or experiencing abuse and neglect, and are unable to protect yourself, you have a right to access local safeguarding arrangements. Under these arrangements an enquiry must be made that will take into account your wishes and feelings.  A number of agencies may be involved in a safeguarding enquiry including, but not limited to: adult social care, health and the Police.

A list of key rights and important information in relation to health and social care: